Hi Everyone, I hope you're all having a great time preparing for sharing the holidays with loved ones. I'm looking forward to the trip up to northern California to spend the time with my husband's family and my son who will be flying in from Seattle, WA. So excited to see the young man, haven't seen him since April!!!
My sister, on the other hand, won't be home for Christmas this year. She was struck by a passenger truck while crossing the street on her way to the bus station to get to work last Tuesday morning. :( She's so lucky to be alive and have no broken bones. She's got some really bad torn muscles that are going to take a while to heal and there will be plenty of physical therapy in the meantime. She lives in Las Vegas so it's not an easy trek for me to get there to help out. I am however, helping to the best of my ability: making necessary phone calls, keeping her son on track (he's got what used to be called Asperger's Syndrome), and whatever I can do from a distance. She's got a few friends, but mostly just co-workers and her son. I figure I can do my best for her if I wait til they send her home. Then I'll get out there and help her out at home and get everyone into a routine.
Say some prayers, send happy thoughts, whatever you do to contact the higher power you believe in. I'm praying for an excellent recovery with no after issues. I'm praying that all her expenses will be covered by the auto insurance of the person who hit her. I'm hoping she'll be fine again soon.
I have one favor to ask of my readers and friends:
It would be awesome if she got a bunch of get well or better yet "Merry Christmas" cards from anyone who wants to send them: (edited because I had the wrong room number dammit!)
Constance Moore
Las Vegas Healthcare and Rehab Center
2832 S. Maryland Parkway Room 105
Las Vegas, NV 89109
If you have time and can spare a stamp and a card, I'd be forever grateful for any cheer you can add to her not so fabulous Christmas.
Zoya Emerson
21 hours ago